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The Student Newspaper of Union College


The Student Newspaper of Union College


The Student Newspaper of Union College


2024-2025 Staff


Adithi Challeppan


Sophia Glazier

Alexander Sano
News Editor

Alexander Sano

Alexander Sano is a first-year Concordiensis news editor from Johnston Rhode Island. He is double-majoring in English and Philosophy and his main interests are playing guitar, history, and studying American 20th century literat...

Gillian Paseka
Opinions Editor

Gillian Paseka

Gillian is a sophomore at Union and is the Opinions Editor for Concordiensis. She is from Ellington, Connecticut and is studying both English and Environmental Policy. Beyond Concordiensis, she is a part of the Union Women's ...

Pop Culture Editor

Sienna Chambial

Sienna Chambial ’27 is the current Pop/Culture Editor at Concordiensis. She is a Mathematics and Geoscience double major at Union College from India. A huge extrovert, she loves talking to people around campus and uncovering th...

Sci-Tech Editor

Abby Trzepla

Matthew Lowry
807 Editor

Matthew Lowry

Matthew Lowry is a sophomore at Union and the 807 editor for Concordiensis. He is studying biology with a minor in Russian. In his free time, he collects antiques and reads.

Noor El Maayergi
Sports Editor

Noor El Maayergi

Noor El Maayergi ’28 is a Sports Editor at Concordiensis. She is from Cairo, Egypt and has also lived in South Carolina and Indonesia. She is an English major and spends much of her time outside of Concordiensis showing peop...

Alex Bang
Sports Editor

Alex Bang

I am the sports editor for the Concordiensis and a member of the men's lacrosse team. My goal is to highlight the athletes we have on campus and grow support for Union Athletics.

Kavita Trivedi
Photo Editor

Kavita Trivedi

Kavita Trivedi ’27 is the current Photo Editor for Concordiensis and is majoring in Environmental Policy with a minor in Studio Fine Arts. Prior to Union, Kavita grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts where she found her love for...

Staff Writer

Louis Savarino

Staff Writer

Craig Efrati

Craig Efrati '25 is a Political Science major and staff writer for the Concordiensis. He has written in the paper since his first year for the News, Opinions, and 807 Sections.

Allyson Bennett
Staff Writer

Allyson Bennett

Allyson Bennett '26 is a current staff writer and former News Editor at the Concordiensis. She is from Bethesda, Maryland, and studies Economics and Spanish. She views her work as telling a story of what happens on Union's campus t...

Concordiensis Editorial Board

Articles listed under the Concordiensis Editorial Board are articles written by an editor and approved for publication by a majority vote of the editorial board. These articles reflect the views of the majority of the editoria...