The seven types of Super Bowl viewers you encountered

Joe Maher, Staff Writer

There are many types of people who watch football and many more who watched the Super Bowl this past weekend.

It is a great time to eat pizza, order wings and watch the biggest football game of the year for hours.

We all know that there are a few similarities among many of the fans who watched, so here are the seven most common types of people who watched the Super Bowl this past weekend, one per point of a touchdown.

1) The Pats Fan. I am sure most people reading this are either this type of Super Bowl watcher or watched with one of these. This campus is full of Gronkowski jerseys and people saying, “Brady is the GOAT.”

These fans are notorious for bringing up the 28-3 comeback, deflecting Deflategate and not truly understanding that it is actually really hard to get to the Super Bowl and that they should give other teams a chance.

2) The Bandwagon Fan. Usually these watchers root for the good team that is likely to win the Super Bowl, but that is always the Patriots, so the bandwagon fans have been forced to root for The Falcons, The Eagles and now The Rams.

These fans are most likely to be seen saying something like, “Fly Eagles, Fly,” or, “Jared Goff is the best quarterback in the league,” or, “The Saints blew it themselves and the refs did not even matter.” This brings me to the next Super Bowl watcher.

3) The Saints Fan. They are not watching the Super Bowl and so none of you watched the game with any of these fans.

4) The Screamer. They like to get really loud for no apparent reason. They do not have a favorite team in the game, but they seem more passionate than anyone in the room.

They are likely to be heard saying, “What was that call??!!,” or, “TOUCHDOWN,” with a volume level that is incredibly unnecessary.

5) The Arguer. This is often a subset of The Screamer, but with more specific things to say. They are the kind of watchers who will hear someone make a comment about a player, a team, a referee or honestly anything related to the Super Bowl and automatically disagree with you.

It is unknown whether they truly believe that Peyton Manning is the greatest quarterback of all time or that Joe Flacco is elite or if they just want to play devil’s advocate, but either way they never stop arguing.

6) The One Watching for The Commercials. These watchers do not enjoy football, but do enjoy Bud Light and Doritos advertisements. This is not to say that these commercials are not hilarious, it is just that they are not here to watch the football game.

These viewers often also enjoy the halftime show, but this year such a concept seems almost impossible because Maroon 5 and Big Boi seem more like a Union Springfest lineup rather than a Super Bowl performance.

7) The One Who Got Too Drunk and Missed the Game. This “watcher” pre-gamed a little too hard and fell asleep in front of the television before the game started and missed the entire game.

They may have woken up when the pizza and wings arrived, but fell back asleep after a couple slices.