Delta Phi Epsilon’s ANAD Week kicked off on Monday February 17th, offering many campus wide events and fundraising opportunities each day. The fundraising consisted of selling raffle tickets for a “Wellness Basket”, custom made stickers, candy grab bags, and a hot chocolate bar. The events offered across campus were a Wicked movie night will all three sororities, Trash Your Insecurities with Active Minds, a Mental Health Speaker, and Yoga ending off the week on Friday.
ANAD is one of Delta Phi Epsilon’s philanthropies. This week-long event is an annual fundraising week in partnership with the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. Delta Phi Epsilon pledges its regular support to ANAD and its other philanthropies, including The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation.
A highlight of the week for Emma Friedman ‘27, the sorority’s Vice President of Programing, was the Wicked movie night. She said, “I really enjoyed the opportunity to watch a movie with girls from DPhiE, GPhi, and SDT. I loved the chance to spend time with girls from other orgs and just take a break from a long, busy week to enjoy something as simple as a movie!” The movie night took place in Potter House on campus Tuesday night.
Sydney Cuticelli ‘27, the Community Service Coordinator, makes remarks on the week as a whole. She tells us her “favorite thing about ANAD week is raising awareness across the campus,” and how this experience “has been so wholesome.” Cuticelli beams on how well this week has been and how such acts of kindness have brought together the Union community.
The week-long motto was “Spread the Love,” and that’s exactly what Delta Phi Epsilon did. From the tabling events showcasing resources, to the speaker events inviting difficult conversation, to a rejuvenating yoga session on Friday. The chapter raised $4,398. All proceeds go directly to ANAD in support of their mission to relieve suffering by providing support and education to those struggling with disordered eating and body image.