The latest installment in the Biology department’s seminar series for this term featured Professor Corbin, presenting his talk “Past, Present, and Future Pirates of the Caribbean: Invasive Plants in the West Indies.”
The seminar took place on Thursday, January 23rd, in Olin 115, and was presented to a large audience of faculty and students alike. Professor Corbin’s talk explored his work investigating the cause and prevention of invasive plant species. It outlined the growing issue of decreasing biodiversity, an obstacle caused not only by human impact through factors like pollution, climate change, and changes in land use, but the overwhelming rise of invasive species as well.
Professor Corbin pursued on-site research in specific regions like Cuba, where exchange with the United States is limited, to examine the effects of reduced trade on the development of invasive plant species. By comparing a wide range of different islands in the Caribbean, he and his team were able to identify that land area is actually the largest indicator of invasive plant species richness, followed by the level of tourism a country receives, as transportation and manmade attractions increase the spread of organisms from other countries.
With these findings, his work compares invasive species between neighboring regions to look ahead and plan for likely future invaders, rather than focusing on treatment of existing invasive species alone. This research process combines both field work and data analysis for the most effective approach, and his efforts continue to bring these critical findings to Latin American countries and help enact change.
Attendees found the talk interesting and insightful, with student Ria Vij ‘27 reporting, “It was interesting to learn how invasive plants impact the geography of the West Indies.” She continued, “I really liked how his research helps in data collection, and in initiatives taken by other countries like New Zealand, to protect their biodiversity.”
The next upcoming Biology seminar is scheduled for February 20th, featuring Assistant Professor Rebecca Adikes from Siena College. A list of upcoming science seminars across a variety of STEM-related fields can also be found to the right, for quick updates on the exciting talks still in store for winter term.