Student in’Forum Update 10/31/22

Alex Morin

Student Forum had a lighter meeting on Monday. Forum discussed a Late-Night Breakfast, an upcoming dinner hosted by Student Forum that has tentatively been, scheduled for November 14 at Upper Dining Hall. More details will follow in the coming weeks. 

Forum discussed the VP of Finance and Class of 2025 special elections. 

Forum discussed strategy on the upcoming faculty constitutional amendment to ensure the VP of Academics gains a permanent vote on the Academic Affairs Council. 

We encourage students to attend the theater’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Showtimes run Wednesday, November 2 through Saturday, November 5 at 7pm, and a Sunday matinee show will also be held. 

The above list contains information from the minutes of Student Forum’s meeting on 10/31/22. It has been compiled for the benefit of the readers of Concordiensis by Alex Morin (, Secretary of Student Forum.