Woman of the Week (WoW): Women’s Union
Concordy wants to give a shoutout to Women’s Union E-board members and all the women and supporters of Women’s Union on campus. (Left to Right) Women’s Union E-board members include Hannah Crodelle ‘23: PR Chair Emily Olenik ‘23: President Jackson Giammattei ‘23: President Tsewang Antsa ‘24: Secretary Ayah Osman ‘24: Vice President Libby Walton ‘24: Treasurer (not pictured)
May 5, 2022
Women’s Union is dedicated to celebrating intersectional feminism and supporting the larger community.
Women’s U has always been highlighting the presence of amazing women on campus through collaboration with Concordy’s Women of the Week (WoW) section. This week, Concordy wants to bring attention and give recognition to the very organization that is making this happen.
Women’s Union is Union’s student support and action group that encourages campus-wide discussion of issues of importance to women and to achieving gender equality. It organizes activities on campus, which in recent years, have included performances of The Vagina Monologues, speakers, films, workshops, fundraisers for local and international non-profit organizations, and forms of entertainment that address these issues. Meetings are held regularly at the GSWS Suite (Reamer 301).