Campus quarantine guidelines relaxed for the second week
Notice on the foor of a room in the ISEC building asks students to remain masked while using the room.
January 24, 2021
Students, faculty and staff received another email this afternoon regarding the 7-day mark of the campus lockdown. President Harris sent a list of updates ranging from the decline of the positivity rate of tests returned this past week, to some lifted restrictions to other campus facilities.
“For the first time this term, there were no student positives!” Harris exclaimed at the start of the email. There were no faculty/staff positive tests either.
Another significant note was that almost 66 percent of the students that tested positive since the shutdown were already quarantining thanks to the efficiency of contact tracing on campus. President Harris emphasized that honesty in presenting close contacts to the school is imperative in maintaining a low positive rate of cases.
Likewise, the positive rate in Schenectady County is also on the decline, dropping from nine percent last week to six percent this week.
In terms of quarantine modifications, students living on campus will once again have access to each and every residence hall, with the host’s permission with only one guest per host while the guest and hosts are masked and socially distant.
The facilities that are open from 7 a.m. to midnight daily are as follows: College Park Hall, Reamer Campus Center, Integrated Science and Engineering Complex and Wold Center.