Senior Spotlight: Emily Carrabba

Emily Carrabba

Q: What made you choose Union College?

A: I chose Union because first off it meet all the requirements I wanted for a college. I wanted a small, competitive liberal arts school in the Northeast with great faculty and study abroad options. I loved the small school vibes I got while visiting and I felt like the students here were hard to put into a box.


Q: What does being a Union student mean to you?

A: It means that you are a hard worker that has many passions.


Q: What have you been involved in on campus?

A: SO much. In my Senior year I was still involved with Gamma Phi Beta, Leadership Pre-O as a Mentor, work study in Student Activities and the Bookstore, Tour Guide, Researcher in the BIWED Psych lab, Founding member of The Body Project, Women’s Union, Exec on ODK Leadership Honor Society, Chair of Senior Gift Committee and other committees. Previously I was on more committees, AN Ambassador for admissions, Exec for U-Sustain, President of Environmental Club, V.P of Sustainability on Student Forum, Geology club, and work study in the sustainability office.


Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Union?

A: It’s probably a three way tie between my 20th birthday, Charili XCX at Springfest and my big/little reveal.


Q: What is one thing you will miss about Union?

A: The people, both my friends/fellow classmates, and the faculty.


Q: How are you spending your quarantine?

A: Watching a lot of Netflix, doing school work and reorganizing everything in my room.


Q: If there was one thing you wish you could’ve done while you were at Union, what would it be?

A: There were a bunch of events I was planning to go to in spring term that I hadn’t made it to before or Next Step Social Justice retreat.


Q: If you had the option to return to the campus right now, what is the first thing you’d do?

A: Probably go to Student Activities or invite all my friends to come hang out with me in my Garnet apartment.


Q; Who’s one person you’re grateful to have met at Union?

A: Samantha Epstein. She is just such an amazing person and seeing all she does inspires me to do more and be a better person.


Q: Any encouraging words for those who are just beginning their journey at Union College?

A: Have fun and don’t be afraid to try things. A lot of my favorite memories at Union were things that I took a risk by doing them.


Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

A: Union has been my home for the past three and two-thirds years, and I will forever be grateful for the people I have met during my time.