Senior Spotlight: Savannah Jelks

Savannah Jelks

Q: What made you choose Union College?

A: A mix of things! I fell in love with the campus and the sense of community felt really strong. I liked the more city-feel of Schenectady coming from a bigger city myself. Other major draws were the Minerva Program and Union’s emphasis on interdisciplinary studies.


Q: What have you been involved in on campus?

A: My three biggest commitments are dance, Gamma Phi Beta, and Admissions. I’ve been a part of Bhangra Union since freshman year and was part of the Winter Dance Concert this March. Gamma Phi has brought so many incredible women into my life. Serving as President and holding other positions helped me get involved around campus too! Admissions feels like a second home at this point–I’ve been a tour guide since freshman year and have served as a Senior Intern this year.


Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Union?

A: So hard to pick just one, but there’s something special about Steinmetz Day that makes it stick out for me. It’s incredible to have a day to just celebrate students and their research, something Union really encourages. While I missed my chance to present this year, being a part of the Dance Symposium is always a highlight. Performing in the Nott in front of so many people is such a thrill.


Q: What is one thing you will miss about Union?

A: A tie between the campus and the people!


Q: How are you spending your quarantine?

A: Hanging in there like the rest of campus! I’ve been baking a lot more and trying to get some outdoors time when I can. Otherwise, I’ve been keeping in touch with friends and family over Zoom and FaceTime.


Q: If there was one thing you wish you could’ve done while you were at Union, what would it be?

A: I’ve been able to experience so many wonderful things during my time at Union, but if I had one do-over, I would’ve picked up a dance minor. I was late to the game to realize how much I loved dancing. The dance classes I’ve taken have been some of the best I’ve been in and I wish I could’ve taken more.


Q: If you had the option to return to the campus right now, what is the first thing you’d do?

A: It’s so cheesy, but I always wanted to do a graduation photo shoot with my friends, something I can’t do from home. I’d dress in my cap and gown and take one last Nott shot to commemorate.


Q: Any encouraging words for those who are just beginning their journey at Union College?

A: Time is precious. I didn’t think about how much I’d “put off” until Senior Spring until it suddenly didn’t exist anymore. My advice would be to remember the little things. I spent so much time focused on my classes and other activities that my time seemed to fly by. I’d kill for one last Trivia Night at Centre Street or hike in the Adirondacks with the Outing Club. It’s more than okay to remember to make memories as much as it is to do schoolwork.