Senior Spotlight: Dominique Toscano

Dominique Toscano’20

Dominique Toscano

Name : Dominique Toscano

What made you choose Union College?

The small classes and the beautiful campus, it really felt like home when I visited.

What does being a Union student mean to you?

Having a ton of school spirit (I feel like I own half of the bookstore lol), always lending a hand to anyone who needs, getting to know both students and faculty on a personal/deeper level & making the most of having so many opportunities on campus that I never thought I would have

What have you been involved in on campus?

I’m co-president of the Bowling Club (a club that I started sophomore year), President of Psi Chi, member of Phi Alpha Theta, Order of Omega, member and former New Member Educator of Gamma Phi Beta, member of the BIWED Lab and working at the mailroom!

What is your favorite memory from your time at Union?

Freshman Year Springfest! I met one of my favorite bands (The Wrecks) and had a lot of fun with my friends. Concerts are always one of my favorite things to go to so I really loved how Union would always put on so many great concerts throughout the year.

What is one thing you will miss about Union?

Besides seeing the Nott everyday, I really will miss all of my friends and being able to see them everyday. A lot of us live far away from each other and it was always nice to be able to have so much together throughout the year. I also will really miss working in the mailroom, I had a lot of fun working there and made some really great friends and had the best bosses. The Garlic Nott cookies were also my favorite snack, so I’ll miss those too.

How are you spending your quarantine?

Lots of Netflix- highly recommend the 100 to anyone whose looking for a good show to watch! Also trying to get Tik-Tok famous, so there’s that.

If there was one thing you wish you could’ve done while you were at Union, what would it be?

Spend more time with my friends & go to more off campus restaurants and places.

If you had the option to return to the campus right now, what is the first thing you’d do?

Nott shot!

Who’s one person you’re grateful to have met at Union?

Thankful for my 3rd floor West squad, the#Ugang, my big Erin and my little Rhys, and my boyfriend Martin 🙂

Any encouraging words for those who are just beginning their journey at Union College?

Don’t take any moment for granted, get involved with things that interest you, get to know a ton of people, and don’t be afraid to be yourself

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

So thankful for Union for giving me the best 4 years of my life <3