Senior Spotlight: Kaitlynn Blow

Kaitlynn Blow

Kaitlynn Blow

Name : Kaitlynn Blow

What made you choose Union College?

The people. When I visited on Columbus day the campus was filled with passionate kind people and I knew I wanted to be a part of that community who is passionate about what they had specialized in.


What does being a Union student mean to you?

It means being a part of a varied and passionate community with a long history.


What have you been involved in on campus?

I’ve been involved in someways- especially in my own department (Visual Arts); I like to attend receptions and exhibitions to support the arts on campus. But, also, I’ve always enjoyed going to Dinner and Discussion around Diversity when I can. My junior year I was active in the Dickens theme house. And, my sophomore year I was more active in Creating Writing Organization.


What is your favorite memory from your time at Union?

My favorite memories will be playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends in Sorum and going to Skellar in the winter or maybe the one time it was raining at night, and we went outside and got soaked in Spring.


What is one thing you will miss about Union?

Being so close to all my friends. I dont think I will ever live within walking distance of so many of my friends again. Being able to walk around and randomly chance upon your friends and make sudden plans was fun.


How are you spending your quarantine?

At home with my family in Raleigh, NC. I got a job at a gas station called Sheetz (its a franchise In PA, VA, NC and a few other states). Its an essential job that I plan on keeping until I find another job or save up enough money to move elsewhere and get a better job. It serves its purpose.


If there was one thing you wish you could’ve done while you were at Union, what would it be?

Senior week, my final Springfest, my final Lobsterfest, my senior exhibition, and many more. There were so many memories I was looking forward to this term.


If you had the option to return to the campus right now, what is the first thing you’d do?

See my friends.


Who’s one person you’re grateful to have met at Union?

Sarah Tritt, she’s been a constant friend to me through all four years and I hope we continue to be good friends for the years to come.


Any encouraging words for those who are just beginning their journey at Union College?

Enjoy it while it lasts. Take every opportunity thrown your way.


Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

I hope that we can have the graduation for class of 2020 at the next ReUnion and make a huge celebration out of it. I hope Union makes it accessible to everyone who wants to go.