Quarantine Diaries: I want people to keep in mind that quarantine is especially hard for those who struggle with mental health issues.
May 25, 2020
Name: Jane Jung-Chen

Email: [email protected]
Connection to Union: Senior
What are the three things that have fundamentally changed in your life due to the pandemic?
The pandemic has affected my mental health greatly. At first, the fact that I didn’t need to go to in-person class reduced my anxiety. However, as the time went by, isolation worsened my problems with my body image and eating behaviors. Not only that, I have noticed that I was having more trouble paying attention in class because of the distractions at home, which obviously didn’t help my attention issues.
What are some new habits you have developed this term?
I think I have been cleaning a lot more to distract myself from having negative thoughts and anxiety.
What made you smile today?
I realized that my dog likes a certain setting on the air filter, and when I change the setting, she somehow turns it back to the way she likes.
How has your relationship with Union changed/evolved this term?
My professors have been very empathetic with seniors, which felt very supportive. I think I love Union even more.
What does an average day in your life look like these days?
After I wake up, I feed and take my dog out, then I clean a little bit. And I get ready for class or do some studying/homework. After class/work, I watch some Netflix shows. Then it is night time and I go to bed.
What are three things you’re grateful for right now?
That my family still have income and they are healthy. And that I have a set plan for post graduation.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
As someone who is going into mental health field, I want people to keep in mind that quarantine is especially hard for those who struggle with mental health issues, so please try your best to be empathetic, sensitive, and supportive!