Quarantine Diaries: I admire the dedication of members of our community
May 11, 2020
Name : Leahanna Pelish

Connection to Union: Staff Member, Alumni ’07
What are the three things that have fundamentally changed in your life due to the pandemic?
Work, Relationships (Romantic and Social Life), Mental Health
What are some new habits you have developed this term?
I have been eating healthier and doing more of the projects that interest me like painting (especially pour painting), household organizing, cooking, needle felting, learning to sew (masks especially), gardening, etc. I have minimized shopping especially at big stores and am supporting local for the most part!
What made you smile today?
I am going to get a lilac bush for free from a neighbor to plant in my front yard on my lunch break!
How has your relationship with Union changed/evolved this term?
My appreciation for how much I admire the dedication members of our community have to our shared goals even as the crisis has been deepened.
What does an average day in your life look like these days?
Most days I wake up just a few minutes before work since the commute is from my bed to my little work station I set up in my bedroom. I work remotely 8:30-5:00 trying to assist the best I can while professors and students carry on coping with remote learning. I get to snuggle my cat and my foster dog even on the clock. On lunch I usually do some sort of project or an errand if needed. I have been socially distancing since before the decree and plan to continue. In the afternoon, I take a nice coffee break. Near the end of the work day I start prepping dinner with my phone on alert in case I get a work email. My hubby is laid off and so we get to enjoy more time together. In the evenings we do projects or relax in our inflatable hot tub, watch television, etc. and spend time with our other quaranteam members.
What are three things you’re grateful for right now?
My significant others especially my husband, my beautiful home, and the coming of consistently nice weather (fingers crossed)