[Editorial Board] Looking ahead to Winter Term

Editorial Board

Concordiensis has come a long way this term. With the use of new elements as a part of the layout process, Concordy is able to cover a larger portion of events on campus. This has resulted in an increase in the number of stories produced on a weekly basis. In previous volumes of the paper with eight pages, the paper was formatted in a mostly stable pattern of two stories per page, regardless of the section. With the recent innovations in the Concordy’s layout, this has enabled us to advance the look of the paper and avoid the pitfalls of repeated layouts.

This is due in no small part to the dedicated support of our staff of editors, writers and photographers, who are able to contribute on a weekly basis to the paper. We are exceptionally grateful for their support. We have also been glad to begin the process of introducing the perspective of students and professors to world events through the development of content in the World and Business section. 

The Concordiensis hopes to for the next term work closer with the heads of multiple departments. For this past term, there has been a great deal of focus put on club activities. Without a doubt, club activities are essential to cover, not only for students who may have not been able to attend events, but also for the wider community of alumni and staff who should know the reality of student life on campus.

But the reality of life on campus also includes the academic issues: the things that Union students have a tendency to only find out about when they have their senior audit. The administration on campus is constantly in motion, and the Concordy can exist as a platform to synthesize all of the information from disparate sources and to condense it for student consumption. We have already begun this process, through our enlarged notices page. 

With the new breathing voices of writers and editors who joined this term, Concordy hopes to share a multitude of perspectives on campus related to the social and academic life of the student body.