Imran Khan removed as Pakistan’s Prime Minister

Zahra Khan, World News Editor

On the morning of April 10, Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan was removed from office. Khan—who was an international cricket star—became a prominent politician. Khan was said to have introduced a new era of leadership and policy within the country and secured the support of many. 

As stated by BBC news, “He emerged as a fresh force, with vibrant rallies full of catchy songs, along with his huge social media presence, amplified his staunch anti-corruption message.” Although Imran Khan rose to power with the help of Pakistan’s army, the army eventually removed him from office. 

Khan’s primary goals included improving governance, expanding the social welfare system, and introducing a health insurance scheme. However, he was met with major criticism when he appointed an inexperienced individual as Chief Minister of Punjab. 

People were also angered at the extremely high cost of living. Khan’s vision and policies introduced major political enemies to him. According to the Washington Post, to try to maintain his popularity, Khan held many campaigns that included “nationalist and religious themes.” 

Despite this attempt, opposers managed to gather enough votes to get rid of Khan’s political power. As the Washington Post reports, Khan, in turn, dissolved the legislature and wanted the vote to be canceled, claiming it was based upon “an illegal foreign conspiracy.” 

Opposers claimed Khan’s actions were illegal. The court also ruled Khan’s actions as illegal. According to the Washington Post, Imran Khan displayed a “private diplomatic message” saying “a U.S. official had threatened his government during a meeting in early March.” A vote took place and Imran Khan was eventually voted out of office. 

This historic event, including having no parliament for a week, shifted the political spectrum within the country.